Ok, so while my little girl was poorly last week we decided to do a little stitching and designing. I know shes my own flesh and blood an all and so its hard to not be biased but i thought what she came up with was fantastic. Not in a fantastic 'I want to wear that' type thing but a fantastic, shes only just four and she is actually sewing type thing ! I cant work out if she should be able to sew at 4? should she ? I couldnt. I have never sewn with her but I thought if I called it designing she would take more of an interest. So we took an old tea shirt and she was set loose to do what she wanted with it with buttons and thread. I told her to draw her design on a piece of paper first and then we could copy it on to the tee shirt. So she drew this below, I know its hard to see in the photos but its diagonal line (These always make an entrance when she draws, what does that mean????) and the bumps above and below are mountains .
I copied it on to the tee shirt for her in pencil and she started stitching along the line. I told her its little stitches underneath and far away stitched on top she was off and running. I really thought that we would be done before the needle was even threaded and she would say the usual ' ive had enough xxxxxx now mummy' and I could go and have a cup of tea but no, she got right on with the sewing. She sewd the whole line , by herself, by herself! I know im overly impressed but go with it for a while will you , she could be my best student so far! certainly the smallest.
after the line was done she had had enough and wanted to design her buttons, so thats what she did. I glued them she stuck em..

SO lovely to just watch her placing them , looking at them, changing her mind , placing them again. I was in awe really she seamed to be genuinly enjoing it , lost in it even. lovely. But then she is lovely, well most of the time.......xxxxxxxxx